As I enter d door of heavens on earth
I realize my love for d place is immortal
I look for my sacred place and regather my flirting with various flavours
In d midst of these dazzling flavours lies my all tym love
My favourite Cappuccino My spiritual love
She was there rite beside me when others ruled me out
She heard my soul cry when I was inside out
As I look up and see her arriving in her royal chariot her ageless beauty still amazes me
She sits rite beside me lending her ear to hear I realize love needs no words and smile at her modesty
I realize my love for d place is immortal
I look for my sacred place and regather my flirting with various flavours
In d midst of these dazzling flavours lies my all tym love
My favourite Cappuccino My spiritual love
She was there rite beside me when others ruled me out
She heard my soul cry when I was inside out
As I look up and see her arriving in her royal chariot her ageless beauty still amazes me
She sits rite beside me lending her ear to hear I realize love needs no words and smile at her modesty